CEC has joined forces with 85 others European and national industry associations to publish the European Industry Manifesto “Relaunching European Competitiveness”.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024 - 10:30English
CEC has joined forces with 85 others European and national industry associations to publish the European Industry Manifesto “Relaunching European Competitiveness”. The Manifesto calls against the risk of de-industrialisation on our continent by relaunching Europe’s competitiveness. The EU enters a new policy cycle at a challenging time, with technology and geopolitics acting as global disruptors, adding pressure to an already difficult economic situation. Now is the time to start building a strategic plan that unlocks the Single Market’s full potential and builds a regulatory environment for Europe industry to remain globally competitive.

Fighting misinformation and greenwashing in the footwear sector

Tuesday, March 26, 2024 - 12:25English
The Erasmus+ VETting Green project was recently launched to support the European Union efforts to put an end to Greenwashing on consumer products. The partnership, composed by footwear producers, vocational training providers and consumer representatives from 5 European countries (BE, GR, IT, PT and SP) aim at preparing footwear companies to tackle greenwashing with the necessary training tools and materials. In line with the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the EU is implementing the Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP), a building block of the EU Green Deal, to become the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. Special attention is given to tackle misleading green claims that have during the last years while consumers demand for transparency and veracity. Europe has responded with two Directive proposals, the Directive on Consumer Empowerment for the Green Transition and the Directive on new rules for substantiating green claims, aimed at consumers and manufacturers respectively, both of them about to be approved.

Erasmus+ SHOEGAME: It's time to play!

Tuesday, March 26, 2024 - 12:21English
On the occasion of the final physical meeting of the project on 7th and 8th March, project partners from Belgium (CEC), Greece (Cre Thi Dev), Portugal (CTCP and Virtual Campus), Romania (TUIASI) and Spain (INESCOP) gathered in Romania to plan the final stages of the project. The Erasmus+ ShoeGame project aims at attracting younger generations to footwear manufacturing studies, preventing school drop-out and maintaining students’ interest and motivation with an innovation training approach such as a serious game in VET education.

AEQUALIS-4-TCLF brings together 19 European partners to upskill and reskill the TCLF industries across Europe

Tuesday, March 19, 2024 - 14:13English
In the context of the EU Pact for Skills initiative launched by the European Commission in 2021, the three European TCLF umbrella organisations, EURATEX, COTANCE and CEC, launched last week a new EU co-funded project under ERASMUS+ Programme to support the up-skilling and reskilling in the textile, clothing, leather and footwear (TCLF) sectors. The AEQUALIS-4-TCLF project brings together 19 partners mainly from Eastern and Northern Europe who will work together in the coming 4 years to give a boost the competitiveness of TCLF industries across Europe by ensuring the lifelong learning of workers and attracting new generations.